Case study
Clothing & Fashion retail
Lanes: a New Path for Learning in major retail chain
Virtual training is still a relatively new format in learning. Before 2020 the world was reaching learning goals with webinars and offline trainings. Pandemics has changed the outlook. Suddenly the business faced the challenge to kick start everything, including trainings, in the remote mode. Being seen as an interim solution then, now, 2 years later, it is clear that remote is here to stay.

Yet, trainings are still seem as something difficult to maintain remotely. Some companies "train" in webinars, others are trying to get back to good old offline.

But the world has changed. We are sure that training transformation will keep going and with the right tools in place it is not as difficult as may seem.

Read in our case study how a major clothing&fashion retailer has transitioned the learning from asynchronized webinars and offline to virtual trainings сutting costs, reducing time and improving learning experience.
Case study: Clothing & Fashion retail


  • Reduce training time session
  • Increase number of learners
  • Implement "human" skills virtual trainings
  • Personalize learning tracks
  • Train the trainers to work in new learning format

Main results

  • $25,000 saved
    On 100 participants/year
  • Number of sync learners
    ↑ 2,5 times
  • Training time
    ↓ 2 times


Lanes — Scenario-based Virtual classroom solution
How group virtual training looks in Lanes Training
Project scope
The client is major fashion retail chain with 155 stores in 65 regions.

The task: to transform training program for directors.

Target audience: heads of retail divisions involved in business operations and managing teams of 20 to 150 people.
Since learning process was designed around offline and webinars, the existing tools were not able to support transition for virtual trainings. The content has to be modified, yet, the part of that must be kept in future programs for self paced learning. In-house trainers were not capable to deliver trainings in new format.
Rolling out in Lanes allowed to reach all the goals in one single platform.
  • Existing content was redesigned in Content Hub, versions for training and self paced modes were created
  • Training programs created based on the scenario allowed to set corporate standards and unify training delivery independently of trainer´s persona
  • Scenario based approach allowed to create continuous learning track for each participant with pre- and post-learning for self paced learning
  • Built-in Virtual room with all the tools allowed to quickly onboard the trainers even those who were not technically savvy
  • Train the trainers — trainers got 5 training modules (15 training hours) from Lanes Academy
  • Analytics module allowed to quickly fine tune programs based on the data
  • The number of participants in a flow has increased up to 100
  • 5 new "human skills" training programs for more than 500 directors were launched within 1 month
  • Cost savings on yearly training budget — $ 25K on every 100 participants (travels costs, work time losses due to the absence for trainings)
  • Average training session is 3,5 hours vs 6 hours before
  • NPS has raised from 80% to 93%
  • Learning track results help to build personal career development plan
At the beginning of 2020, most businesses couldn’t even imagine T&D happening online. However, now, this is the trend. Virtual training platforms even made it possible to roll out trainings for emotional intelligence, management and motivation.

Of course, the question "whether virtual can be as efficient as offline here" is on the table with pros and cons. Yet, one important factor needs to be considered. Future managers will be building, managing and motivating remote teams in online space. And we believe that online is also the space to train the required skills as this is where they will be applied.

What´s next? We look forward to see virtual trainings in the areas which seemed to be not possible to be taken into virtual classrooms before.
Want to improve your virtual trainings?