How to keep the bar high in virtual trainings
Lanes — a new take on scenario-based approach in learning
The key goal of any business is growth. Businesses are scaling up nationally, and internationally, opening up new offices or branches, or creating new remote workplaces. The key goal of any L&D department is to support business growth with skilled talents to get the results required by the business.

One of the obvious requirements to achieve both goals is to apply and maintain standards for the company’s learning process. L&D managers train, certify trainers and designers, regularly assess content, develop and document standard processes. All that hard work is done to be able to replicate the required skills and continuously drive business success and revenues.

But even if the content, the trainers, and the processes are certified accordingly, the risk of deviating from the learning quality standards is very high.

Why? Here are 2 main reasons:
#1 Human factor
Different trainers have different work styles. Some follow the plan step-by-step, and some may "go with the flow". In Lanes, our analytics shows that about 45% of trainers do not exactly follow the original design of the program. The most common issue we notice is skipping and replacing the materials or activities planned by the designer.

For sure, trainers know the goal but may choose different ways to get there because of personal preferences. Like, replacing a brainstorm with a word cloud. Yes, the task is similar but the methodology is different. As well as the outcome.
#2 Lack of tools to make assessments
Unless all the trainings are closely supervised, there is no way to really assess the quality.

There are some statistics about who left and when, who didn’t show up and this is pretty much it what can be done by video conferencing tools.
NPS and feedback forms are also providing some outlook but they are highly perceptional. So, again, it requires to involve supervision to understand the root cause. At the same time, supervisions are time and cost-consuming, so, L&D managers either have them planned upfront for new programs or random checks or get involved when there is a very obvious issue. Unfortunately, that often can be already quite late and training is failing to achieve the goals.

Is there any way out of that "grey area" of virtual trainings? How business can be 100% sure that the training is delivered as per requirements without applying extensive resources? Is there a way to control the training on-the-go and apply quick fixes immediately?

This can be done with a scenario-based approach.
What is a scenario-based approach?
By scenario here we mean not the scenario for activities i.e. role plays, simulation of real-life cases etc. A training scenario is plan of materials and activities delivered within the training.

Scenario-based approach is a methodology for training creation and delivery based on this detailed plan.
A scenario is usually developed by an instructional designer. The designer creates content, sets the structure, timing, outlines instructions on delivery methods and scripts for the trainer. Trainer follows the scenario step-by-step with no or little possibility to deviate.

Scenarios may be designed as robust or flexible depending on the program and the trainer’s skills. Robust scenarios contain scripts and detailed instructions for activities. Flexible scenarios leave some room to improvise, however, still within the space defined by the designer.
The scenario is the base for each training program and the "gold standard" for further replication
What´s new in Lanes approach here?
There is not much new about the idea of the scenario as such. Obviously, every training has an outline which is usually provided to the trainer by someone from L&D department in some format prior to the training.
Lanes is the first and only platform where the training scenario is integrated with technology
In Lanes, the training is designed on the same platform where it will be delivered. Having a training scenario as a standard, the platform tracks whether that standard is being kept in each training by each trainer. This tracking allows gathering the most reliable analytics data for training programs, trainers and participants
How does that work?
Here is Lanes´ training process step-by-step.
  • Lanes Program builder where the designer creates the training with building blocks — out-of-the-box materials and activities on the platform, defines the order and the timing for each block. This setup allows tracking the block in the training.
  • Lanes Virtual classroom — a training space where the program is delivered according to the scenario. Using one button, a trainer launches and delivers the training moving the activities with one click.
  • Lanes Analytics tracks&traces the activities according to the scenario and captures real-time data. Right after the training, the report shows what was delivered or not, the time spent, and which participants have finished the task or not etc.
What are the benefits of scenario-based approach in Lanes?
  • For trainers
    Scenarios offload them within the training. They don’t have to bother about the next steps. In Lanes, trainers can just rely on automation, have fun and keep the focus on the engagement. Scenarios make the training event easy even for the less experienced trainers. They have a robust structure with an outline as a solid basis which helps to keep the confidence.

    Scenario linked with analytics allows to quickly assess the training right after it is finished. Trainers can see the rise and fall of the engagement level and get an understanding of what needs to be improved.
  • For designers
    Scenarios help to quickly convert and adapt content. Also, when the program is broken out into blocks with the exact methodological goals, they are easily changeable and can be "copy-pasted" into various programs. This also helps to share the best practices within the team and quickly roll out the most powerful content.
  • For L&D managers
    Scenarios solve 2 major tasks — the possibility to scale-up and quality control.

    With robust scenarios, L&D can quickly onboard new trainers, exchange them, and roll out programs in branches accomplishing the same quality.
    Scenario-based analytics allow to measure and compare "training to training" and "trainer to trainer". This helps to identify and implement best practices and drive changes. Easy access to the data right after the training allows applying quick fixes immediately.
A clear learning path with detailed steps makes businesses confident that the goals will be achieved.

In Lanes, we help to transform this path into a transparent data-driven business process. The same as any other process in the company, which businesses can track and trace, measure, improve, replicate and scale up keeping quality standards.

"Good luck is a result of good planning" is said. We, in Lanes, would add here that good planning integrated with the technology is boosting business results.
Want to improve your virtual training?