Manufacturing Company's 90% Lockdown Training Plan Success with Virtual Training as a New Standard for 8,500 Employees
Discover how a global manufacturing company, in collaboration with Lanes, not only fully trained their employees during the pandemic but also saved significant time and budget. Dive into this inspiring case study and unlock the potential of virtual training!
Global manufacturing company
Target audience
  • Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
  • Sales Managers
  • Lawyers
  • Health and Safety Engineers (HSEs)
  • Heads of Departments
  • Workers
  • HR Managers
  • Students
Examples of programs delivered on Lanes
For SMEs: "Skills of a Virtual Trainer", "Designing and Delivering Engaging Training on Lanes"

For Heads of Departments: "Business Process Management", "Personnel Motivation", "Formation and Development of a Team", "Task Setting and Delegation", "Conscious Attitude to Safety"

For Sales Managers: "Goal Setting", "Market Forecasting", "Contract Management"

For Workers: metal rolling, individual development programs, competitions and awards

For Lawyers: "Real Estate Management for Enterprises", "Critical Contract Conditions"

For HSEs: "Incident Management"

For HR Managers: "Employee Onboarding", "Exit Interviews", "Effective Interviewing Techniques"

For Students: career guidance programs
  • Long and expensive offline training: training for all personnel was time-consuming and costly.
  • Limited expertise sharing: scaling up the knowledge and expertise of subject matter experts across departments was unavailable.
  • The risk of not completing the training plan during the pandemic: traditional offline training was not feasible under lockdown conditions.
  • Lack of universal corporate training standards: maintaining consistent quality and scaling successful programs was difficult.
  • Long development and approval cycles: the manufacturing industry requires quick program updates to keep up with technological advancements, especially in Safety and Compliance.
The Well-Equipped Start During
the Pandemic
In early 2020, the trainers underwent onboarding to familiarize themselves with the platform and launched the initial pilot programs on Lanes. Initially, their plan was to conduct 2-3 training sessions per week. However, the outbreak of the coronavirus and subsequent lockdown measures prompted a shift in their plans. During the very first training session, participants from various locations across the continent joined in, as face-to-face training was no longer feasible due to the lockdown restrictions. Face-to-face training had been prohibited due to the lockdown, leading to a surge in demand for virtual training. Thanks to Lanes, the company successfully transitioned to providing training virtually, and the number of internal requests for virtual training skyrocketed.

Consequently, Lanes played a crucial role in preparing the company to adapt to the challenges posed by the pandemic. The company swiftly migrated all existing programs to the Lanes platform.
"The Lanes platform has become a universal tool for knowledge transfer between departments. Experts can now seamlessly transform their content into exciting virtual training programs using a variety of Lanes tools." - Head of L&D Department
Moving into Virtual: How It Was
For Trainers: the majority of trainers in the company were subject matter experts, including accountants, lawyers, and HR professionals. When the lockdown started, they lacked experience in working with Lanes and delivering virtual training. They had to enhance their training skills. Over the first six months, the L&D team assisted the experts in creating presentations for the platform, developing programs, and getting ready for online classes. Presently, trainers are well-versed in the platform, have gained valuable experience, and are capable of independently delivering training sessions.
"At the outset, nearly every program had two trainers: a subject matter expert and a co-trainer who provided platform support. Interestingly, the experts faced no methodological challenges as they conducted training sessions in a manner consistent with classroom delivery. Presently, SMEs are fully independent in working with Lanes." - Head of L&D Department
For Employees: Despite the initial excitement surrounding virtual training, there were attendance issues in the beginning. Not all employees took virtual training seriously, perceiving it as "just another webinar." To address this, we informed HR managers about the unique aspects of Lanes and how to motivate employees to embrace learning in the virtual space.

Currently, department heads positively evaluate the quality of training in Lanes and even act as trainers and experts themselves. For instance, in collaboration with the Head of the Commercial Department, four modules were developed, covering topics such as "Goal Setting" and "Market Forecasting." Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with participants appreciating not only the educational function of the platform but also its effective team communication capabilities in training rooms.
"We can confidently say that our employees have adapted to virtual training in Lanes. They appreciate the user-friendly interface and the abundance of features compared to other platforms." - Lead Employee Development Specialist
Results of using Lanes for corporate training for over 2 years
Since the first training session, the learning process in the manufacturing company has experienced numerous positive developments. Here are the most notable highlights:
  • Completion of training plans during the COVID-19 pandemic:
    despite quarantine conditions, the L&D team successfully fulfilled the training plan in 2020, with 90% of the programs implemented in Lanes.
  • Emergence of a new learning standard:
    Lanes rapidly became the new training norm within the company. While the initial months presented challenges such as unfamiliarity with the platform, employees' resistance to online work, and a lack of understanding of the features, after 3-4 months, the vast majority of employees, trainers, and managers felt confident using the platform. Consequently, the L&D team began receiving clearer requests on new programs development.
  • Availability of online hard skills training programs:
    professional skills and competencies training programs have been effectively transferred to Lanes.
  • Transformation of experienced employees into SMEs:
    highly skilled employees undergo a specialized training program to become subject matter experts. They are then able to design and deliver training on the platform for their colleagues.
  • Increase in training activities and formats:
    employees have embraced virtual engaging activities such as role-plays, world cafes, and many more. Additionally, the L&D team has developed asynchronous online courses with the microlearning module within Lanes.
  • Shorter sessions:
    training sessions in Lanes have been condensed to 3 hours compared to the previous 8 hours in a traditional classroom setting.
  • Enhanced efficiency for trainers:
    each trainer can utilize pre-existing programs in the platform's Program Builder, including ready-made presentations, exercises, tasks, and activities. Data on attendance and feedback forms are processed instantly, which is of great importance.
  • Reduced costs and predictable budget planning:
    before Lanes, training budgets consisted of large expenses like venue rentals, travel expenses, handouts. Now Lanes charges only based on the actual number of participants in the training.
  • Development of employer brand:
    with the help of Lanes, the company delivers career guidance programs, including personal effectiveness training, workshops, and games for schoolchildren and students from specialized educational institutions.
Head of L&D Department
"The advantages of transitioning to virtual training are now evident to us. If someone had told me two years ago that we could train more than 18 factories across the continent within 2-3 months, I wouldn't have believed it. Coordinating schedules, arranging business trips, and managing budgets would have posed significant challenges. Now, such restrictions no longer exist."
Want to improve your virtual trainings?