Discover how a medical supplier company revolutionized its corporate training, resulting in an unprecedented x100 reduction in costs
This is the story of a global medical supplier that introduced virtual training and encouraged subject matter experts within the company to share their knowledge across all departments. Dive into the details of this case to discover more!
Global medical supplier
offices worldwide
Target audience
  • Medical sales reps
  • Product managers
  • Key account managers
  • Distributors
  • Medical advisors
  • Subject matter experts
  • Expensive training: the cost of training per employee was as high as $700, including expenses for travel, accommodation, and other costs. Considering the company's size, this was a significant financial burden.
  • Fast-paced innovation: the L&D team struggled to keep up with the rapid pace of innovation, making it challenging to provide relevant training to employees.
  • Deep field-specific expertise: designing training programs required a deep understanding of complex areas such as drug development, regulatory compliance, clinical trials, intellectual property, and confidentiality. It was challenging for the L&D team as they lacked expertise in medicine, and the subject matter experts didn't know how to design training based on learning design principles.
  • Low learning results: the training formats were limited to lectures, webinars and occasional hands-on workshops. As a result, it was difficult to effectively share expertise with all company offices, leading to consistently disappointing learning outcomes following unengaging sessions.
  • Regulation and compliance: due to heavy industry regulations, employees needed to be quickly trained on the latest regulations and ethical considerations. Staying up-to-date with changing regulations was an ongoing challenge for the L&D team.
  • Attracting and retaining talent: the L&D team had to attract and retain top talent by providing opportunities for growth and development.
Providing timely relevant training to employees
was a real challenge for the L&D team
Finding the solution
The L&D team successfully persuaded the board of directors to seek a new solution to overcome these challenges. The ideal solution needed to:
  • enable the delivery of synchronous, asynchronous, blended, and hybrid training formats;
  • reduce the cost of training per employee;
  • facilitate the rapid creation, scaling, and updating of learning programs;
  • empower subject matter experts to effortlessly design and deliver engaging learning programs.
One of the goals was to let subject matter experts design and deliver learning programs to scale their unique expertise
The choice of the L&D team fell on Lanes
The L&D team thoroughly evaluated more than 10 different corporate learning services during their search for a solution. After conducting pilot sessions, they ultimately selected Lanes as the platform that not only met their requirements but exceeded them. Lanes offered a scenario-based approach, integrated engagement tools and activities, comprehensive training metrics, automatically generated reports, and even a program to train subject matter experts (SMEs) so they could independently design and deliver their own programs on the Lanes platform.
Results of using Lanes for corporate learning in the company
In just one year of implementing Lanes for corporate learning, the company achieved remarkable results:
  • x100 times reduced training session cost per employee:
    by transitioning to online training through Lanes, the cost per employee dramatically decreased from $700 to a mere $7. This reduction in expenses represents one of the most outstanding outcomes of utilizing Lanes for corporate learning.
  • Quick training design and scaling:
    the online format and built-in scenario functionality of Lanes facilitated the rapid development and updates of learning programs with just a few clicks. Consequently, the L&D team successfully keeps pace with industry innovations, stays up-to-date with the latest regulations and ethical considerations, and delivers relevant training to employees. As new learning programs are rolled out, they are accessible to every office and local L&D team.
  • Deep field-specific expertise is shared company-wide:
    the built-in scenario, the training design and delivery have become effortless for subject matter experts. Additionally, the Lanes Academy provided a training program specifically tailored for SMEs, which they have enthusiastically embraced. In just six online sessions, SMEs have gained essential knowledge in virtual training, including:
  • understanding the principles of teaching adults virtually (cybergogy) and the role of the trainer in the learning process;
  • learning how to design training based on business goals using the backward design model;
  • utilizing Bloom's taxonomy to effectively define learning objectives;
  • grasping the structure of synchronous and asynchronous learning;
  • familiarizing themselves with the technical equipment requirements for trainers, such as good lighting, appropriate background, and a reliable internet connection;
  • exploring engagement activities that help maintain trainees' attention throughout the session.

Improved engagement and learning results:

Lanes offers a broader range of delivery formats and engagement tools, eliminating the monotony of traditional lectures. Now, employees participate in stimulating practical sessions that include group activities, breakout room role-plays, brainstorming, and more. Additionally, peripheral offices can easily access the expertise of SMEs within the company. With the help of Lanes' engagement tools, the L&D team has successfully addressed the challenge of motivating distributors, who previously showed less enthusiasm for learning compared to other employees.
  • Enhanced supervision and data-driven decisions:
    managers have the ability to monitor training sessions either in hidden mode during the training itself or through detailed analytics after the session. This enables precise control over training quality and allows for informed decision-making. Automatic generation of training reports further streamlines the process for the board of directors.
  • Attracting and retaining talent:
    The L&D team offers growth and development opportunities to all employees through personalized learning tracks. Additionally, employees have the chance to receive training from the top industry experts, which helps attract and retain talented individuals within the organization.
Want to improve your virtual trainings?